Intel extreme overclocking utility
Intel extreme overclocking utility

intel extreme overclocking utility intel extreme overclocking utility

They were so massive that Notepad that comes with Windows was unable to open them. Obviously i can't upload them as they are massive but i will include a bit of the log file. I don't understand what is going on that requires a log file of that size 4 log files are 7GBs in size, 1 is 4GBs in size and 3 are 1-3GBs in size with 114 being under 2MBs in size. I found that Intel XTU had 37GBs in Log files. I used a tool to figure out what was taking up the space. I have the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility from MSI and i noticed i was missing a lot of space on my C drive. Probably not the correct place to report this but i wanted to report it somewhere.

Intel extreme overclocking utility